The New South Wales Government has awarded a $1.8 billion contract to CIMIC Group Limited’s CPB Contractors and Ghella to build new twin metro rail tunnels as part of the Sydney MetroWestern Sydney Airport project.

Sydney airport terminal

Architectural rendering of Sydney airport terminal.

Four tunnel boring machines (TBM) will begin their task of constructing 9.8 kilometres worth of twin rail tunnels in just two sections, by early 2023.

Through the new Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport, the 23-kilometre metro line will connect St Marys to the heart of the new Aerotropolis. A total of six stations will be built along its route.

The contract includes the construction of new stations at St. Marys, Orchard Hills and Western Sydney International Airport (Nancy-Bird Walton). The TBM launch sites will be built in addition to two retrieval areas. In addition to this, there are two temporary precast concrete factories being built on site of the Western Sydney International Site which will provide enough material used during construction with 67,000 concrete segments needed just to line those twin tunnels.

When the tunneling contract is complete in late 2024, work will continue to lay tracks and fit-out stations.

The construction of the metro railway and six stations between St. Marys, as well two airport-related locations is currently being delivered by both Federal and New South Wales governments.


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