Beaches, BBQs and trips to Bunnings. There’s nothing quite like a long weekend. Upcoming Labour Day, like many other public holidays in New Zealand, is a chance for Kiwis to lounge around the house or bargain hunt at cleverly timed sales. But would this be considered ‘time well spent’ by our working class forebearers?

The origins of Labour Day in New Zealand hark back to the 1840s. Carpenter Samuel Parnell famously refused to work more than eight hours a day. He, along with the eight-hour day movement, advocated for eight hours of work, eight hours of recreation, and eight hours of rest. Unions fought tooth and nail to protect the rights of the working class, eventuating in the commencement of the eight-hour work-day. Today, we celebrate that achievement with a day off work at the end of October.

The average Kiwi will happily fritter away their gifted free time, but the average Kiwi isn’t the successful Kiwi, capiche? Whether you plan to relax and come back to work recharged, or use the time to benefit your career, there’s a way to work the extra day off to your advantage.

Read on for tips on how successful people spend their long weekends.

Have a plan

Time off work means a short work week. If you’re going to make the most of the time off, you won’t want any pesky deadlines looming over your head. Ain’t nobody got time for that! Stay prepared by closing off any outstanding projects and creating a solid plan for when you return.

Many successful people plan out their activities for the Labour Day weekend ahead of time. This means their not drawn into frivolous spending or Netflix binging. Be strategic and make reservations or schedule activities with the kids. This will keep you accountable and help you stick to the plan.

Use the time to set goals

Think about it. A whole day off to reflect, plan, and make bold decisions. Use it wisely. If you want more out of your career, now’s the time to think about where you’re at and where you want to be. Are you thinking about looking for a new job? Is there room for growth in your current job? If someone were to step into your job today, what’s the first thing they’d change?

The Bezos’ and Gates’ of the world didn’t spend Labour Day binging on Netflix and aimlessly scrolling through social media. Write down a plan of attack and put a rocket booster under your career. Put your 10-year, five-year, and one-year goals on paper to hold yourself accountable. Now, come up with a list of daily actions to help you achieve those goals.

Volunteer your time

What’s better than using your spare time for yourself? Giving it to someone else. Volunteering provides immeasurable benefits to both the volunteer and the community. It can help you to improve your mental and physical health, develop new skills, and even live longer. Surprisingly, it can actually make you feel like you have more time. And here’s a fun fact: it looks great on a CV.

Many successful people find it hard to fit volunteering into their daily grind. A long weekend makes it possible. Check out the Volunteering NZ website for opportunities in your area.


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