The digital age has made it easier for us to connect with friends, family, clients, and business partners online. It seems like every day there is a new app or website that helps us stay connected in one way or another. But what about physical connections? Many people still rely on good ol’ fashioned face-to-face interaction when they want to make meaningful connections outside of their network. This type of networking can be more difficult than other forms because it puts our social skills to the test but oftentimes leads to better relationships than they would usually do.

In this article, we’ll discuss the merits and drawbacks of old-school networking. We will also touch on the relevance of old-school networking and provide you with a few tips that may help you when it comes to meeting people in your field. 

1. The benefits of old-school networking

Old-school networking is about meeting up in person, grabbing coffee or lunch with someone who does what you do so that they can share their experiences and learn from yours. It’s all about building relationships with people in your industry and letting them know who you are. These days, there are many ways to network remotely through social media like Facebook groups but if you really want to meet people face-to-face then nothing beats old-school networking! 

It might seem like a world of new technology is giving us all the answers and connections we need, but there are still many benefits to old-school networking. One of the most important benefits is that it provides a more personal experience. It’s about being able to connect with someone in person, learn from their experience, and develop a rapport that will benefit both parties. It’s about building relationships with people who can provide you with opportunities for advancement or information you may not find on your own. Networking events provide an excellent opportunity to meet people in different industries and fields of expertise. That way, when you’re looking for someone knowledgeable in a specific field or industry niche, you already have a relationship established – which means they’ll be more likely to respond to your request than if it were coming out of the blue. 

Old-school networking also has other benefits such as providing you with valuable information about how companies operate, what they need, and where they’re headed. It’s much easier than trying to keep up with all the latest trends online!  Finally, when the time comes for job interviews, having these connections can make them much less intimidating because you already have friends in the company.

2. Why it’s still relevant today

Technology has changed the way we communicate. We no longer have to be in physical proximity to one another to share knowledge, ideas, and plans for our next project. But with all these new tools and ways to connect with each other comes a whole lot of noise – too much sometimes. So why is old-school networking still relevant today? 

Old-school networking is just as important today as it was years ago. It is still relevant because there are more opportunities to build connections than ever before. It is effective because it provides an opportunity for you to speak face-to-face with professionals who are close by (whether that be at your office or nearby coffee shop) and get the information you need without having to spend hours searching for it online.

Networking has been around for a long time – since the dawn of civilization when humans started trading goods and services with one another. Today’s “old-school” networking still relies on this same principle: It’s all about who you know! 

3. How to leverage your network for success

Building a network of contacts is important for any field, and construction is no different. 

Networking is a powerful tool to use in life and business. If you don’t take the time to build and maintain it, you’re missing out on opportunities. You may not know this, but you have people in your network that can help you achieve success in any field of endeavor.

Here are some tips for how to maximize your networking efforts:

  1. Know who’s at any event before going by researching the guest list or looking at pictures from previous events. This way, you’ll know whom to say hello to first when walking into an unfamiliar room.
  2. Make sure that people have something worth remembering about you after meeting with them one-on-one (and then follow up). This could be an engaging story or idea that they can grab onto for their own purposes later on down the road. 
  3. Being a good listener is just as important as an excellent speaker. Sometimes, the more we let people talk about themselves, the better they feel the conversation has went. 
  4. Ask pertinent questions such as “tell me about yourself”, “what brought you here this evening?” “What type of people are you trying to meet?”
  5. If you can connect two people together in an evening by asking good questions and being an excellent networker, you will be remembered as THAT guy or gal with a great network. 

4. Where you should focus your efforts – social media, events, or both

It’s no secret that networking is a key element to success in any field. It is a crucial part of any profession, and construction industry professionals are no different. But where should you spend your time? Should it be on social media or events? The answer is BOTH.

The construction industry is a booming and lucrative one, but it’s a competitive market. To get ahead of the competition you need to take time to focus on both your social media and events.

Social media is great for maintaining ongoing contact with people you already know well without having to invest your time into meeting new people at an event. It allows for instant updates on new projects that are taking place as well as showcasing pictures from past jobs. 

Social media is also important because it’s a free way of advertising your company. The more followers that see what you post about what kind of work your company does, the more likely they are to reach out for help. 

The downside though, if you don’t have a large audience already, then it takes more time to build followers because people are just scrolling past your posts without thinking twice about them. Also, social media does not provide an opportunity for live interaction with potential customers which can be important in convincing them to buy something from you – this means that there are no opportunities for building rapport or trust between you and your customer base through uniquely personal interactions such as face-to-face conversations or phone calls.

On the other hand, events allow for face-to-face interaction with potential customers and their employees so they can really get an idea of who your company is. They provide opportunities to meet people that share your interests who may not be using social media as their primary form of communication.

Events are huge in the construction industry, and if you’re not attending them then you’re missing out. You’ll have an opportunity to network with other professionals in the field as well as potential clients or investors for future projects.

Events help to create a sense of community and can be used as an opportunity to showcase your products or services, but they also have the potential to be costly. 

By utilizing both social media and events, you and your business will have more exposure than just one avenue which will lead to increased opportunities! The best professionals use these two tactics in tandem – one is not better than the other!

5. What are the drawbacks of old-school networking and how can you avoid them?

With the ability to connect with whoever we want, whenever we want through the use of social media, it could be deemed that old-school networking is a thing of the past, however, it’s still alive and well in the construction industry.

Some of the younger generations would say, it’s slow, it takes up too much time, and isn’t worth the investment.

But, many of the top performers within various highly networked industries like Construction, Recruitment, Real Estate, and others will protest that the power of a good network is essential to success. If you’re seeking tips to build your network the old fashioned way, see below:

  1. Establish relationships with people who are in positions of power or prestige within your industry.
  2. Keep an updated list of contacts on hand at all times.
  3. Use email as often as possible.
  4. Meet in person whenever you have the opportunity.
  5. Make it clear what kind of information you want from them so they know what to give you.
  6. Be sure not to overwhelm your contacts with requests.
  7. Make yourself available for follow-ups.
  8. Some tips on how to make a great first impression and stand out at an event

It is human nature to want to stand out and make a good first impression. But what does that really mean? It means you should dress appropriately, be on time, engage in conversation with others, and provide constructive feedback. These are all things that will help you make a great first impression at any event or meeting.

First impressions set the tone for your whole experience at an event. Always look your best! Wear the clothes that you feel most confident in, be it business casual or formal wear. If you are dressed inappropriately for the occasion, it will not go well from the start! To avoid this disaster, try dressing up or wearing something professional like a suit if appropriate – this way people will know right away that they should take you seriously! Also, remember to show up early so there’s no chance of being late. When people think about you, they should see someone who looks put together and confident. Make sure your hair is styled nicely with a little bit of product for hold if desired, but not too much because some substances can make your scalp itch later on and ruin everything. 

Next, be prepared for conversation by having something interesting about yourself ready. Smile and look everyone in the eye when introducing yourself, not only will it help them remember you but it will also give off positive vibes which can lead to connections being made. A good idea is to have business cards handy so they can contact you after the event if they want!

Lastly, be friendly with everyone in attendance as this will create connections that could lead them back to your company later on down the line.

7. Conclusion

Networking is a necessity for business and personal success, but the way we do it has changed drastically in recent years. With more opportunities than ever before to meet people with similar interests or goals, old-school networking might not be as relevant as it once was. However, there are many who still believe that face-to-face interactions create an opportunity for relationships to develop and give you access to information without having to spend hours on Google trying various search queries versus online connections which can lead to increased opportunities!

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